17 September 2005

Introduction (Or: What is this all about, anyway?)

If you've just arrived here randomly, you may be wondering what all this is about. This introductory post is to explain the concept of this blog.

The Concept
To really understand what the heck this is about you'll need a bit of background. A few months ago, a friend of mine told me about a game called NationStates (http://www.nationstates.net/) where you create a country (name it, set up its government's general ideological characteristics, and so forth.) I created a country called Kiraken. What happens is, every day you receive an issue for your country's government to issue a ruling on. Some of them were pretty funny (some are serious, some are obviously not, but they affect your nation equally) and I got to thinking that they would make for a good story. So, I came up with a few characters (the President and Vice President to start off with, more followed) and started writing. After a while, (I finished the first short story, or episode, on 20 September 2005) I started coming up with ideas for episodes not based on NationStates issues. Now, I'm not using just those issues anymore.

Post Logistics
From time to time, I may post updates on my progress on the next episode. These will always be prefaced with "OOC" (Out Of Character) to distinguish them from the regular episode posts. After the posting of the episode an OOC post refers to, the OOC post will be deleted, as it is no longer relevant. The title of an episode post will always begin with the word "Episode" and a three digit number (001, 002, and so forth,) followed by a title. For instance, the first episode is titled "Episdoe 001: The Glamourous Life."

Next Stop...
You may want to visit the Table of Contents next. Not only does it list the episodes posted thus far, it offers a direct link to and short synopsis of each episode. I'm also planning to have previews for upcoming episodes there in the future.

Thanks for listening, I hope you have a better understanding now of what I'm trying to do here, and I also hope you enjoy my writing. See ya!

This post last updated 17 February 2007